A review by julianaphilippa
Because of Miss Bridgerton, by Julia Quinn


4 stars
I will admit I was a little apprehensive picking this book up. Julia Quinn was one of the first HR authors I ever read (maybe THE first?? don't remember), and while I loved the Bridgerton series and read all of her backlist, as I grew older, I feel like I kind of grew out of her books. The back-and-forth exchanges and the antics that characters got up to started to feel a bit immature, somehow.

Anyway, all to say that I was pleasantly surprised by Because of Miss Bridgerton, because I ended up really enjoying it! There was that awesome dialogue and funny back-and-forth that Quinn does so well, but it also didn't feel too light or fluffy as to be over-the-top silly.

Billie and George are a great match, and I'm predisposed to find stories where the main characters have known each other awhile more believable, since there's no case of insta-love or insta-lust (presumably). It was interesting to see their interactions and feelings towards one another slowly change and I totally had a grin on my face throughout.

The very, very end could have used some work; it just felt a bit random and as if Quinn was going to be starting a new subplot and then realized she was in the last chapter; I don't know, hard to explain without giving things away, but you'll know what I mean when you read it.

Is a fun, easy, and cute read, that involves no angst and just some great laughs and chemistry. Enjoy!!

Rokesbys Series
Book 1: [b:Because of Miss Bridgerton|25657772|Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys, #1)|Julia Quinn|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1480122942s/25657772.jpg|45479802] (4 stars) — my review
Book 2: [b:The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband|31931722|The Girl with the Make-Believe Husband (Rokesbys, #2)|Julia Quinn|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1479500874s/31931722.jpg|50373778] (4 stars)
Book 3: [b:The Other Miss Bridgerton|35298956|The Other Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys, #3)|Julia Quinn|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1515706132s/35298956.jpg|56666009] (3.5 stars) — my review

(Written November 15, 2016)