A review by crookedtreehouse
Marvel Knights Daredevil by Bendis, Jenkins, Gale & Mack: Unusual Suspects by


An unfortunate break in the midst of the incredible Bendis run on this title.

We begin with a Bendis miniseries called Ninja, which is mostly a poorly choreographed, uninteresting fight scene that makes its way to Japan that has Daredevil saying "I hate ninjas" in every third panel. I'm guessing it's from about a decade before his actual run on Daredevil because, while I find some of later Bendiw writing to be trite and grating, this is the first time I read something by him and thought it was poorly conceived AND executed. The art is forgettable. 2/5

I forgot everything that happened in theDaredevil/Spider-Man crossover every time I turned a page. 1/5

When I was first collecting the Bendis Daredevil run, there was always a hole in the collection because Bob Gale wrote a few issues in the midst of them. I wondered what about them was so bad that they didn't warrant their own book. Well, it turns out that the first issue is Hella Racist in a 90s sort of way. A man of color sues his employers for racial discrimination but, hold up, it turns out he's just a lazy slacker stealing from the company. Meanwhile, Daredevil breaks up a theft ring of all people of color. *Thumbs down* The rest of the story is pretty white and inoffensive, it's just....silver agey in the plot. 2/5

The Spider-Man Daredevil 1 shot was also pretty forgettable, but I do remember the focus was on how Spider-Man was rewarded for his heroics while Daredevil was punished for his, even if they were working together. It's not great, but it's the best So Far. 3/5

The book ends with [a:David Mack|2620393|David Mack|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1599858290p2/2620393.jpg]'s sequel to [b:Daredevil, Vol. 2: Parts of a Hole|451707|Daredevil, Vol. 2 Parts of a Hole|David W. Mack|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1386140316l/451707._SY75_.jpg|440333]. This is, by a wide berth, the best part of the collection. We learn of Echo's Native American heritage, we see her try to reconnect with Daredevil, and eventually get spiritual guidance from Wolverine. I'm a sucker for Mack's art, and I thought this story did a good job of redeeming some questionable decisions Mack made during Parts Of A Hole. 4/5

I am excited to get back to Bendis, though. I don't think I'll be reading this collection again, should I ever do another DD readthrough.