A review by miakve
Immortal by Gillian Shields


If I had to describe this book, I would say it is a romance with some magic. There is absolutely nothing wrong with those types of books, but this one did not work for me. For one thing, the romance is INCREDIBLY unhealthy. He is controlling way too much whether she is happy or not. She was uninterested in anything other than Sebastian. The unhealthiness might have been on purpose, but then I would like for some type of moment where she realises it is unhealthy. I get there are more books in the series, but still. I also did not really like the way magic was used. One more reason I did not like it so much that I was not surprised by the twists. I saw them coming from the first third of the book. This book was really not for me.

How does she not thing about the fact that she is in love with a 150 year old dude, who was friends with her great great great grandmother, (dont know how many great I needed) Like it is a little messed up, and adding to that is the fact that her ancestor loved him.

The use of magic in this book also annoyed me. First of all, the magic was rarely there. It always took a backseat to the crappy romance, and it felt as if it was only there to create danger. There also was not a lot of rules with this magic. Yes there was the elements thing, but other than that you could do anything you wanted, as long as you actually wanted to do it. I was a little irritated that she could flood the caves when she had only used magic ONCE before, and it was not her summoning it that first time. She was way too good, way too fast.

There was not really any depth to any of the characters. All of them were cliche stereotypes that had no depth or development. Evie only really grew in the sense of magic related things. Celeste was just the mean girl who hated the main character for a dumb reason, and even after she got hurt, did not change at all. Sarah was the same all the time, except for the magic and we learn about her third eye thing. Helen, we found out much about her in the last half of the book, but she never really changed or grew in any way, we just did not know much about her. This were the main characters! Yes Sebastian changes a little, but that is just in the first max 100 pages. It is just boring for the characters to always be the same, no matter what they go through.