A review by ablotial
The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C.S. Lewis


I enjoyed this one - it was nice to get a new character, and especially one who wasn't as pure and wonderful as the Pevensies. And it was nice to see that he had a little depth to the character and did change as a person throughout the course of the book. Following the journies of the characters, both physical and ... spiritual/emotional was interesting, and it was fun to see all the different lands and people that they encountered. This was so much more fun to read than Gulliver's Travels, which I'd always hoped would be something like this but always bored me to tears and I never did finish. The little hoppy guys were awesome, the land where dreams always come true being a HORRIBLE place instead of a good one was a wonderful concept, and the little mouse making it to Aslan's territory was a great feel-good moment. I'd read this one again.