A review by beana7227beana
Corinne by Rebecca Morrow


I try to make sure (most times) I’m as respectful as possible when writing certain reviews because the amount of time and work it takes to write an entire book, and the courage to share something personal like your writing, is scary enough without people being cruel in return. That being said, I do think this novel was a missed opportunity.

The beginning of the story hooked me, and while I did care for Corinne and Enoch until the end, it did begin to feel a bit redundant. I didn’t need quite so many drawn out intimacy scenes or quite so many conversations where Corinne is repeatedly expressing her love for Enoch. I would have instead loved to learn more about Corinne and Enoch, more about Corinne’s family members. Maybe more about Shannon and Natalie as well. And while the ending was very sweet, it seemed a bit too perfect. Enoch and Corinne have been treated quite terribly by the people who are supposed to love them and care for them but at the last minute these people are in support of them? It felt forced.

I think this book could have been spectacular and didn’t quite meet the mark but I respect the effort that went into it.

Oh and I would bet money that Rainbow Rowell was the true author of this.