A review by trike
Avengers, Volume 1: Avengers World, by Jonathan Hickman


I generally don't like Jonathan Hickman's work in other comics. A lot of it seems to be retreads of stuff John Byrne did back in the 1980s. This time, though, I actually enjoyed his remix of story elements from the 1970s and '80s, namely stuff from the Infinity gems and the Gardener.

What I particularly enjoyed here was the pacing. After the dismal experience of DC's New 52 books, it was nice to see someone taking their time to build plot and characters. Authors should see how he gives the story room to breathe and punctuates dialogue-heavy bits with either fisticuffs or character conflict.

The art by Jerome Opena is lovely and the story is easy to follow. The latter aspect is not a given these days as artists experiment, trying to break away from the tried-and-true model of panel layout.

Hickman does love blowing up cities, though, which someone on Marvel's editorial staff needs to keep him from doing. Here he's destroyed Perth and Regina, as well as cities in Japan, Croatia and India. Plus the Savage Land. It gets a bit much after a while.

That said, I quite liked the origin stories of both Captain Universe and Smasher. This is how you do origin stories succinctly.