A review by spiringempress
The Triumphant by Lesley Livingston


The Triumphant is the PG version of Spartacus and this installment is a fun conclusion. Fallon has finally triumphed against her captives, winning back her ludus at the end of the last novel, and established a safe haven for herself and her female gladiators. However, this has come at a cost. Cai, who killed Pontius Aquila to save Fallon, has been sold to the gladiators to avoid being charged with patricide. And while Caesar has finally returned from civil war, Fallon encounters a seer, who promises this peace will not last for long. Of course, this all ends with the predictable ides of March. Fallon witnesses the event and immediately understands that not only is Rome in danger, but Cleopatra, someone she sees as possessing a vulnerable position, is also at risk. Quickly, she leaves everything behind and decides to escort Cleopatra safely home with her entourage of female warriors.

So, that's about all that happens in this story and SPOILERS. Fallon does eventually find her purpose, which is to finally go home and save her father/homeland from Pontius Aquila and the Sons of Dis' latest attack. There was a predictable Dis agent, who'd fooled Fallon, into trusting him by defending Cai in the arena. She quickly eliminates him then hurries home, where the day is saved and all is happy. Her sister, Sorcha, was a completely wasted character. I even forgot she was still alive until she appeared on their way to Aegypt and then tragically fell, reopening an old wound and subsequently dying while her love interest, Charon/slave trader, refused to seek treatment because of Sorcha and they died together. It was ridiculous and I expected more from the relationship between Fallon and Sorcha, which had defined the series.

Also, what even happened to Aeddan? Am I not remembering something (Yes, in fact, I forgot he even died) This just felt like a very sloppy conclusion to a really fun series and I wish Livingston hadn't killed everyone, who was connected to Fallon's homeland. I mean she claims to love Mael and kinda forgets about him the entire series plus her sister because she's more focused on Cai and Caesar... It could have been good but it was rushed and the death of characters didn't even have an impact when it happened.