A review by max_pink
Airhead by Meg Cabot


3 Stars

For Romanceopoly prompt: BFF's House

I never would have picked this book up if it wasn't for Romanceopoly, so props to the challenge for broadening my horizons.

If this book didn't come out in the era that it did, it probably would have maximized its potential more. Literally being forced to walk a mile in someone else's shoes for the rest of your life is a banger premise. Being forced to work for a shady company that paid for your brain swap surgery and finding out they were spying on your body? Incredible.

But oh my god, the Not Like Other Girls of it all was truly driving me up the wall. Em is so judgy and hypocritical. The only thing that got me through was that Meg Cabot clearly made that her primary character flaw, and there is some growth between the first and last pages. But not quite enough for me to give this a ringing endorsement.

And the mystery and romance pacing is unnaturally slow because this was the era where every premise had to be a trilogy.

All that said, if I was a tween reading these, I probably would have inhaled all three in like two days. So this is most likely just me being too old and cranky for a YA book from 2008.

Stine Nielsen did a great job on the audiobook, as well.