A review by user613
Rose in Bloom by Louisa May Alcott


I didn't like this book nearly as much as [b:Eight Cousins|14570|Eight Cousins (Eight Cousins, #1)|Louisa May Alcott|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328864060l/14570._SY75_.jpg|2905864]. The grown-up Rose was not nearly as sweet and innocent as her younger version. Though, I think the biggest change was in the book’s narration, and not in Rose’s character.
This book felt way too preachy, to me. I did not appreciate the not-so-subtle messages woven throughout. (Though, to be fair, [b:Eight Cousins|14570|Eight Cousins (Eight Cousins, #1)|Louisa May Alcott|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1328864060l/14570._SY75_.jpg|2905864] had its fair share of preaching too.) The preaching was everywhere. Without even trying to be subtle.
Frivolity is as evil as it is tempting. Women should use their gentle feminine power to help the men they love. And - the one that bothere me most - the innocence of youth and first love and how is it all naivety. This message was repeated time and again by the narrator, in a melodramatic tone that almost seemed to mock Rose’s innocent, naïve first feelings of love.
There were also way too many references to Rose’s (innocent, naïve and sweet) beauty, and men being attracted to it. Though, the actual romance, when it happened, was only innocent and heartwarming.

This book was okay. If you’re reading because it’s a classic and you want to know you’ve read it then - I hope you enjoy it more than I did. Otherwise, I’d recommend looking elsewhere. [b:Rescuing Lord Inglewood|44597093|Rescuing Lord Inglewood (Inglewood #1)|Sally Britton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1553617789l/44597093._SY75_.jpg|69229923] is another clean historical romance to try.

SpoilerDeath and sickness. Charlie has bad friends, gambles and has a weakness for drinking. He dies. Uncle Alec gets sick and nearly dies.
There are prayers said at Charlie’s deathbed. A few mentions of gods and goddesses.
Talk of falling in love. Rose gives Charlie an innocent kiss right before his death. A few hugs between her and her cousins.