A review by nerdypotsie
Hunters of the Lost City by Kali Wallace


Hunters of the Lost City was a book that I was really looking forward to and I was shocked when I got an arc of it at Emerald City Comic Con up in Seattle. My mom is a chronic over sharer and somehow sharing her story about being a teacher to a publisher convinced them to give an arc to her? I don’t understand why but I am so grateful to have been able to read and review this one.

The world building in this novel was my favorite part. It was a well thought out, captivating world that was filled with a unique history to the land and an interesting magic system. The magic system made for a really fun final battle.

Unfortunately that was my only major praise for this novel as I didn’t really enjoy much else about it. The pacing was my biggest issue. It was extremely slow. There was lots of descriptions and flowery sentences used that slowed the pace. I was nearly falling asleep at some parts because it moved along at a snail’s pace. This story could’ve drastically improved if the pace was faster.

The characters were also a big issue for me. I didn’t like any of them and I couldn’t get myself to care about the characters enough to feel super interested in the story. The characters were all dull and slightly annoying.

The writing style was another problem for me. It wasn’t a particularly interesting writing style and a lot of the writing felt too dense, especially for a middle grade novel. Speaking of it being middle grade, the violence seemed a bit too intense at parts for a middle grade story.

This book unfortunately just wasn’t for me. I didn’t care for it much and I was constantly hoping it would just be done soon. There will for sure be people that will like this book, but if you don’t like slow paced books, you should skip this one.