A review by booksintheirnaturalhabitat
Stone Mothers by Erin Kelly


Stone Mothers is told in three different parts, each a different point of view. Marianne returns home as an adult many years later as responsibilities sometimes require in that phase of life. She had built a new life elsewhere to escape from her past, and now it's threatening to resurface... something that would surely upend her family. Everyone has their secrets, but no one knows the entire truth of what happened with an old mental hospital at the base of it all. Perhaps there others with a lot to lose as well.

I was excited when I read the premise of this book. Mental health and the inner psyche is something that I'm always intrigued by however I didn't feel like the book fully delivered. There was build up to what I thought would be a huge reveal and I felt let down when it either didn't occur in that moment or the reveal didn't seem quite built or intense enough. The book, however, did continue to have creepy undertones throughout and some moments of resentment. Jesse was so irritating that I had to try not to get worked up; I can't stand ignorant POS's like him.

All in all, it was just a middle of the roads, not quite standout book for me. It had potential but in my eyes didn't fully fulfill its potential.