A review by wandering_not_lost
Men at Arms, by Terry Pratchett

  • Loveable characters? Yes


4.5  More excellent Guard stuff.  I'm not terribly big on satire - it has to be presented in the right tone (both world weary and also righteous/hopeful), with just the right touch (not too light, but also not hammered in like a nail) - but the Guard books are obviously the right entry point to Pratchett's work for me.  Mostly it's because he managed to get just the right mix of detectiveing plot and character work, AS WELL AS snide shots across the bow of social justice issues, way before it was cool.

I did feel like there was a bit much going on in this book, and not all of it got its due (Angua could have had a bit more flesh hung on her personality, imho, and it would have been nice to hear what Carrot actually thought about some of the stuff that was verbally danced around at the end), but overall this was a wonderful book with a great mix of detectiveing, lovable characters, and earnest, good-hearted poking-of-fun-and-sharp-sticks at -isms and hypocrisy.

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