A review by inthelunaseas
Angel with Attitude, by Michelle Rowen


So, about this time last year, I started reading this book. I got about thirty or so odd pages in, when I had to stop reading it. That should tell you my opinion of it.

The biggest issue I found with this book is that absolutely no one in it has a good trait. They're all huge self-important assholes whose maturity is stuck somewhere between 14 to 16, with few social skills and even fewer communication skills. Everyone talks and acts like they've stepped out of Sweet Valley High.

And here's the thing- they're all meant to be centuries old demons and angels. I can understand Reggie and Claire, whose relationship at the best of times is a little rocky. But Valerie is an angel (fallen or otherwise), who apparently own Employee of the Month in Heaven. Nathaniel is a centuries-old tempter demon. And Julian- freaking Julian- is Lucifer's son and acts like an overgrown man child who throws temper tantrums, cries about his daddy and talks like he's been watching too much of the O.C..

This book is full of awful cliches. Valerie and Nathaniel hop in the sack after only knowing each other for only a few days. Reggie is a slime ball who can't keep his dick in his pants but, don't worry! he's a ~*~nice guy~*~ at heart. And Lloyd is a fairly homophobic caricature.

The storyline held my attention enough that I could get through it, and the book is an incredibly easy read. If I had more free time I could have gotten through it in a day, maybe a day and a half. But I couldn't truly enjoy it, given the weak, one-dimensional characters and constant Valley Girl-ing.