A review by leannaham
The Glittering Hour by Iona Grey


This book took a particularly long time for me to read! I enjoyed the storyline. But it was quite a slow burn and it didn’t pick up until 2/3 of the way through for me. I also feel like the story of Lawrence and Selina would’ve been so much better if there had been more details on their relationship. Instead there was a lot of chapters from other characters in the book which didn’t add to value to the plot line. It seemed like extra detail shoved in there for no good purpose but just to fill space. The letters between Alice and Selina really were what kept me excited to read. I loved the raw, real relationship between mother and daughter. And in contrast, the relationship with Selina and her mom. Wish there had been more story with Lawrence and Selina. Overall, not bad. But it was so tedious to read.