A review by amymorgan
My Name Is Nathan Lucius by Mark Winkler


Thank you Edelweiss for my review copy of this book.

Nathan Lucuis is a bit of an odd fellow. He works at the local paper selling ads and spends a lot of his time drinking and not remembering much.

He lives in a flat by himself and doesn't seem to have a family other than the ones he creates by alternating pictures of old photos on his wall and assigning them roles in his 'family"

Life is muddling along for Nathan until one day his friend Madge, an older woman who owns an antique shop, asks him to kill her. Madge has cancer and she is stuck. She can't get better but she can't die.

Nathan managed to find some other odd friendships while contemplating Madge's request. His boss Sonia goes between inviting him to the bar and telling him he needs to do better at his job before he gets fired. His neighbor who he listens to masterbate through the wall seems to suddenly take a liking to Nathan also. His days alternate between these three women and Nathan's recollections of their time together.

Told in the very unique and unforgettablely odd voice of Nathan Lucuis this novel is captivating in it's exploration of the human psyche.