A review by chaoticbookgremlin_
Shadowland by Alyson Noël


I liked this book a lot more than the second one.


Well, firstly because Damen wasn't acting like a complete douche in this one - yes, I know it wasn't his fault, but it still really annoyed me. Secondly, Ever wasn't as stupid as she was in Blue Moon - but she's still not my favorite protagonist ever (hehe, see what I did there?). Thirdly, there was no time travel - I hate it when time travel is involved. DON'T MESS WITH THE TIMELINE PEOPLE I DON'T CARE IF YOU'RE IMMORTAL AND HAVE ALL THESE AWESOME POWERS JUST DON'T DO IT!

And fourthly?

I kind of like Roman. He reminds me of Klaus from the Vampire Diaries, and Klaus is my precious baby. Even though Roman is completely evil and has his heart set on ruining Ever's life (and he also wants to sleep with her? Wtf?).

Reasons why this book only got THREE stars:

1. Jude. I don't like how he's been a potential love interest in EVERY SINGLE ONE of Ever's past lives. I don't ship it. They can be friends. I'll accept that. He has been friend zoned by me.

2. Haven. I've never really liked her, she seems kind of desperate to me. And I DON'T like how she's simping for Roman HANDS OFF MY MAN PLEASE (even though he's evil, but what else do you expect, I'm a Sebastian Morgenstern lover).

3. The fact that Ever is kind of desperate to sleep with Damen. It's called SELF-CONTROL. KEEP IT IN YOUR PANTS.

4. Speaking of, I feel like Ever was drifting closer to sleeping with ROMAN because THAT'S what she thought the price was to getting the antidote to Damen's curse. GODDAMMIT EVER STOP TRUSTING ROMAN.

5. What was with the spell-thingy? What did that do? I don't think it really affected the plotline all that much. I was really confused as to what was happening that entire scene.

Okay, I'm done my rant now. On to Dark Flame!

First Time Reading: November 2020