A review by zachedwards89
The Girl in Red by Christina Henry


The 3 pages in the middle trying to figure out the kids' genders was so forced. it was really poorly executed... sooo heavy handed. The constant condescension on the use of firearms is pretty contrary when your main character is a know-it-all who is looking for any advantage to survive. It's not like she did literally anything except kill people with her ax, so the whole "guns are only made to kill" fell flat for me. Actually okay maybe she broke open one window the entire book with it.

Keeping all the info on the monsters and disease "classified" seems like a cop out that lets the author avoid having to come up with a believable reason why all this is happening.

I would've preferred a more satisfying answer to all my questions instead of the hamfisted juxtaposition of the authors viewpoints on social issues at every available opportunity.

3 stars for what the story does right, the author should've done more of what worked and then wrote an article on the side about all the hot button social issues shes interested about.