A review by the_novel_approach
Chasing Forever by Kelly Jensen


Two men, both afraid of getting too close and losing again, meet. One, Malcolm Montgomery, has had more than his fair share of knocks in life. His latest left him with two badly injured legs, and learning how to walk again. Countless surgeries, with potentially more to come, find Mal trying his best to see beyond not only the physical pain but also grappling with the depressing belief that he will never really measure up to anyone’s standards, and remain alone. Already fifty, the prospects of finding someone to take a chance on him are slim.

The other man is a serial cheater and renowned player, Brian Kenway. Only Brian knows the real reason he was never faithful to his partner of twelve years, but now Simon is happy with another man and Brian is alone. But, all that is about to change. A broken window and a runaway will invade Brian’s home and, eventually, his heart, but it will be the high school teacher who asks Brian to help with the school’s GSA who will turn Brian’s life upside down. Mal is just the sort of man Brian has never been attracted to before, but now all bets are off, and life is going to get very interesting for both Mal and Brian—if only they can learn to trust each other.

Brian’s story is the third installment in Kelly Jensen’s This Time Forever series, and it is probably the most gut-wrenching of the three. When we are finally privy to what makes Brian tick, it is staggering, horrifying, and brutally honest. Between his backstory and young Josh’s current situation, I think this may well be the novel that resonates with more gay men and women than any other. Suddenly becoming not only an uncle to Josh, but one that has to open not only his home but his heart as well, is profoundly challenging for Brian, and it exposes all kinds of memories that he would rather have kept buried. But Mal is there to help—sweet, lonely Mal.

I think of all the characters in these three novels, Mal is perhaps the most sensitive and gentle. He is also nearly as lost as Brian is, and that is saying something. Mal may have a wonderful twin brother and a family who accepts and loves him, but he is still very much alone. After the man he invested seven long years with walks out of his life, Mal is left with little else than a house to redecorate and a heart that is convinced he will never measure up. Told all too often that he is just not good enough has left Mal gun-shy of ever going after another relationship, much less one with the likes of Brian Kenway. But bad boys are alluring, and Brian seems to fit the bill until Mal realizes that beneath the persona is a man who has been hurt badly and has closed off his heart.

Chasing Forever is a testament to the healing power of friendship and love. What changes for both these men is the chance to invest in one another. Once they take the time to really understand how they must both try to open up and believe in themselves, they can let down the walls and learn to love each other, and that moment is what we wait for with bated breath in this novel. Until then, we get the benefit of going on their journey, one fraught with miscommunication and mistakes but also rife with understanding and gentle kindness.

Chasing Forever is a beautiful love story all about second chances, and Kelly Jensen writes this kind of novel like no other. Fans of the series will love this one. I know I did.

Reviewed by Sammy