A review by dkhoury
Love Is an Ex-Country by Randa Jarrar


I absolutely loved this book. Before reading, I was expecting a more traditional, chronological narration. However, Randa Jarrar recounts her cross-country road trip while oscillating between the past and present in her life. I found it more personal, as if she were telling me these stories face to face. Her narrative voice is warm, yet biting - very on-brand for an Arab woman! She holds NOTHING back and tells it all with wit and a level of candidness I admire.

Western media doesn’t give the same level of credence to Middle Eastern stories as with those of other ethnic backgrounds. Usually, the Middle East is represented as a monolith, veiled by many grossly over-exaggerated and inaccurate stereotypes. More often than not, these representations neglect the rich and varied cultures and histories of each country within the region. Since I grew up in America as a Middle Eastern woman who also passes as white, I connected with a lot of what Randa had to say on racial identity. I felt seen and represented.

Although I started it in March, I read most of the book today. Overall, it’s a quick read that draws you in.