A review by ksoanes
The Battle for God: A History of Fundamentalism by Karen Armstrong


I've always viewed many of our problems today as a struggle for whose "Truth" gets to drive decision and policy making. For example, as someone adamantly pro-choice, my thought was always - if you are against abortions - don't have one, both don't prevent women who need to from getting one. My Truth isn't the same as many Christians. I view these matters as Truth vs truths. Armstrong makes the case that matters of religious differences and taking beliefs to the extreme can be better understood through the logos - mythos view. This did help me understand why people need to have their "Truth" triumph over others. I find Karen Armstrong's book informative and fascinating - she is a former nun. Unfortunately, this book further strengthens my belief that organized religions are the source of 95% of our problems, not only today, but through-out history. There is no asterisk after the first commandment that this only applies to other Christians and we would all be better off if we remember that.