A review by bethgiven
Because He First Loved Us by Henry B. Eyring


This is the kind of book you want to read slowly, to contemplate. Read it too fast and it’s not going to make a huge impact, I’d think, because how could you apply all the principles he outlines?

Elder Eyring’s first book, To Draw Closer to God, was geared more toward our building a relationship with God, putting our hearts in the right place so that the Spirit may abide within us. Because He First Loved Us focuses on sharing our spiritual strength with others.

I wish I had taken notes on it, because now that I’m done, I don’t remember a whole lot of specifics from the beginning — guess I’ll just have to read it again! But here are a few gems (all from the last few pages, which I remember):

"The good word of the Lord with which we must nourish is the simple doctrine of the gospel. We need not fear either simplicity or repetition." (p. 188)

A great thought for gospel teachers who fear that nobody will like the lesson because it’s so basic, something we’ve all heard before.

And I love encouraging quotes on parenthood, so this was wonderful to read:

"You may have confidence in the Lord’s service. The Savior will help you do what He has called you to do, be it for a time as a worker in the Church or forever as a parent. you may pray for help enough to do the work and know that it will come." (p. 206)

I particularly enjoyed the entire last chapter, entitled “Gifts of Love.” It ended in a discussion of gifts we might give the Savior:

"Knowing what we know, how much more do we want to give Him something? But He seems to have everything. Well, not quite. He doesn’t have you with Him again forever, not yet. I hope you are touched by the feelings of His heart enough to sense how much He wants to know you are coming home to Him. You can’t give that gift to Him in one day, or one Christmas, but you could show Him today that you are on the way. You could pray. You could read a page of scripture. You could keep a commandment. If you have already done these, there is still something left to give. All around you are people He loves but can help only through you and me. One of the sure signs that we have accepted the gift of the Savior’s atonement is that we give gifts to others." (pp. 221-222)

A great collection of very-readable talks that seem to flow into one another — but stand-alone wonderfully, too. I recommend both this and its predecessor.