A review by unfetteredfiction
The End of the Affair by Monica Ali, Graham Greene


“It’s a strange thing to discover and to believe that you are loved, when you know that there is nothing in you for anybody but a parent or God to love.”
- Graham Greene, The End of the Affair

My first introduction to Graham Greene is one that will stick, I think. I really loved this book.

The premise is unusual, a married man suspects his wife of having an affair. The man confesses this to his friend, who, in fact, did have an affair with his wife years ago. Both parties are interested in whether this woman now, in some way, appears disloyal to them both. A private detective is involved, and things are uncovered, although not at all what was expected.

This book covers different perspectives at different times, but not in a way which is disorienting. Our central characters are interesting, every page reveals a little bit more about the progression of that individual. God, and various ideas of God, features a lot too, which is quite important.

I really loved this book.