A review by rebeccareadsmut
The Lady and the Orc by Finley Fenn


“I will not force you,” that voice continued, deep rumbling heat in Jule’s thoughts, her belly. “I wish to earn your troth, woman. I wish for your hand, freely given. I wish for you to hunger for me, as I hunger for you.”

Oh man.  I freeken loved this book.  Absolutely amazing.

Sure you need to be okay with the word seed, I searched the book, it's used 80 times.  You also need to be okay with some breeding kink. And loved monsters, even if they aren't pretty.  And yeah sometimes Grimarr was a big dumb jerk that didn't always do the right thing, but he's a freeken orc, I give that some leway.  And he makes up for it with sweetness later.

“I care for you, woman,” he said, his voice so quiet, so wronged. “Oft these past days I cannot breathe but for thoughts of you. I cannot look away when you are near. I care so much it is pain.”

Super fast burn, right away, which I always appreciate.

And literally all of the feels.  This does end in a HAE but I was seriously crying for at least 10 mins at one point reading this book, and I don't often cry while reading.  All the damn feels.

“We orcs need women,” he said slowly. “We crave women. Our sons weep in the night for the lack of you. Yet women run from us. You kill our babes. You serve and abet the men who seek to destroy us. We must steal you away even to speak with you.”