A review by docpacey
The Bone Clocks by David Mitchell


There's almost nothing i can say that will do this book justice. It's great. He's a wonderful storyteller and a master wordsmith. This book fits very nicely into his oeuvre. It's not as ambitious as Cloud Atlas, but more cohesive, and chock full of wonderful easter eggs recalling characters and events from his other books.

Second read brings to a close a circumnavigation of the Mitchell cycle. I started with UA, his latest. All of them are great. consistently well crafted as few other authors can manage. This one, finally, felt the most like inhabiting a world i was well familiar with. I didn't enjoy the Crispin Hershey section very much this time round. Times have changed and characters like that haven't aged well, but he was always meant to be cast in an unflattering light. I just don't necessarily buy into any redemption for him.

Q: 5
E: 4
I: 5