A review by sjj169
Never Smile at Strangers by Jennifer Jaynes


3.5 stars

This book is set in a small southern town. Full of closet drinkers and adultery. The author does a great job of describing small town life. You can almost smell the bayou coming from this books pages.

Tiffany Perron goes missing. Everyone should be spooked a bit, but teenage girls in this town may be a tad on the dull side. They still wander in the woods and hitch rides. I'm sorry. Someone goes missing in my town and my ass is packing my gun, and the cops-they virtually do nothing. Wait, this may be my town.

The characters are pretty well done in the book. There is one that I just felt the evil vibrating off of and she wasn't even the killer. (She is in the next book-woot!)

You also follow the killer's point of view in some of the chapters, I thought I had who he was figured out but I was wrong! I like when that happens. The book touches on his personal history of abuse but I would have liked more to see why he is the way he is.

Anyways, this book is not bad at all. It spooked me at several points in the story and made me lock my door.

I received an arc copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review