A review by innodavid
Trick Me Twice by Becca Steele



“This girl. I was gone for her. Why had I ignored how perfect she was for me?”

For someone who doesn't like bully romances as they typically borderline abuse, this one is pretty tolerable, and quite angsty and swoony at times. Though this still contains some questionable behavior from the male lead, I would say that it's not to the point that I find him irredeemable. Maybe because the female lead matches his douche behavior with her independence. I'm usually sensitive when it comes to how romances develop and have a lot of deal breakers (abuse, rape, cheating, and some illegal stuff etc.) None of these are in here if this is your first time venturing in this genre.

I actually find the back and forth between the two characters quite engaging and steamy. I loved how both of them does not solely rely on each other and have enough support system from their friends. And I liked the development they went through over the course of the book.

Even though I find most of this book unrealistic, especially since the characters are still high school students, I still find it entertaining. It's very cliche to be honest. You have the football jocks and the popular girls who throw themselves at them, and the nerdy-artsy students who were invisible. But I love how there's some subversion of tropes in here. Well, subversion is a strong word. You know how the girls are always the one who becomes jealous whenever the popular love interest have so many girls fawning over him? Here, the love interest is mostly the one who's jealous. And no, he isn't possessive to the point that he punches every guy that comes near her. But it's still fun to see him lose his mind whenever she makes him jealous. And she's also forward with the things she wants and doesn't come off as desperate.

Despite how I loved the first 80% of this book that I was willing to give it a higher rating, that last 20% is so ridiculous and cringey that I wished it should've ended when they both finally got together. But instead we
Spoilergot a kidnapping scene right after they officially started dating and the grovelling he planned didn't happen because of it. What I hate most about it is how it was written. The teaming up of the male lead's friends to save her feels so unbelievable for high school students to do. And the one who did the kidnapping of the female lead is not what I would've liked since it would give a stupid message at the end. This is supposed to be a "high school bully romance" not a crime scene/mafia shenanigans.
. The ending is sweet though, so it didn't totally ruin the book for me. But how I would've liked this so much more if that part didn't happen.