A review by nerdywerewolf
Pirate Consort by Carysa Locke


“Being Queen is not easy. You are the one linked to them. You are theirs, not the other way around.”

*An ensemble space opera that doesn't remind me of Star Wars or Firefly!

Mercy is a great heroine. She's so down-to-earth and while she's constantly trying to figure out where she stands, she always tries to project strength. Hearing her inner monologue humanizes her in a fantastic way, though.

The cast of characters keeps getting bigger and we see a couple of faces from the last book, but they are artfully put aside so we can get to know some new people. There were a few heel-turns and a surprising amount of new perspective added to the plotline.

This world also continues to expand. Everything about 'the enemy' from the last book gets, we'll say 'revisted,' and now there's an entirely new threat to everyone and you know what? It was seemless.

My only real lament is that I don't have more story to read. What a wonderful place to go.