A review by briarsreviews
It's My Tree by Olivier Tallec


It's MY Tree by Olivier Tallec has one of the cutest and most amusing covers I've seen in a while, and we haven't even gotten into the story yet!

This little squirrel has a tree and it's HIS tree, don't be mistaken. He loves his tree very, very, very, very much, especially since it produces pine cones which he also loves. He comes to the realize that someone might one day want his tree for their own, and that is just horrifying! Especially when curiosity and further greed takes over him...

There isn't much of a lesson in here. I was really hoping he'd learn to share or something, instead of just seeing tons more squirrels and trees. I saw some potential there, but I also love educational books with themes. This book is just a cute book that could be a conversation after. Without a resolution to the problem of greed, I'm not sure where this story was going other than showing a greedy squirrel.

I love the illustrations! They are goofy, colourful and quite charming. Honestly, it's one of my favourite so far this year. It's quirky and definitely attracts my attention.

The plot gets one star, but the illustrations get five. So, I shall meet in the middle with three pine cone shaped stars!

Thank you to NetGalley and Kids Can Press for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange of an honest review.