A review by kenzee06
The Fae & The Fallen by Brittni Chenelle


*I won this book in a Goodreads Giveaway*

This book was a mess.

First off, am I the only one who thought this was basically My Hero Academia but instead of two boy main characters, it's one boy and one girl and the world and characters are no where near as well thought out? The parallels are painfully obvious. I'm wondering if this might have started out as a fanfiction?

On to the book itself. Let's start with the levels of power (Serf, Common, Elite, Fae) - these words don't line up in a way that makes sense. And you can't take common words like Serf and Fae, use them in an entirely different way, and not EXPLAIN what they mean at the start. The entire society didn't make sense - nor did how the powers were used. Why can Reina's power of "truth" be turned into a blade, and Briara's power to intercept radio waves can't, or Kaito's levitation power? I'll tell you why, because it makes Reina more powerful. That is the only reason. Some powers make logical sense, but not our main character or the one Fae everyone is obsessed with because they're sooooo special.

"The Noble Four": Are there only powerful people in sophomore year? Duplication and Speed aren't even impressive gifts, no offense. And why are they even nicknamed? Someone help me understand how people aren't laughing at them.

Moving on to the romance. NO. That is an abusive relationship. CAN WE PLEASE STOP GLORIFYING THAT FOR TEENAGERS? If you want to turn that into a romance, you need to make that a very slow burn where both characters grow up, change their behavior and slowly regain trust.

The constant sex talk. Teenagers have sex, that's fine. Even some conversations would be fine. But someone you just met telling you about hook up spots and then being able to tell you are a virgin by how you look is not a regular conversation. Also why would this matter in a world where you can be killed by a touch? I'd wager that would put a pretty big dimmer on sex. In fact, it would make more sense for people to avoid even kissing in this society. Also I'm sorry but the majority of people don't shame virgins nor are they shocked when the person is 15. At 17/18 - pre college, pressure might be on but not as a sophomore. And the part where Kai thought about how he "almost took her there" - in public...no teenager thinks like that. Also, why does this dominate almost every characters thoughts. PEOPLE CAN KILL OR SERIOUSLY INJURE YOU WITH A TOUCH! Why is anyone willing to have sex with the "nobles"? And also no, the whole school of girls would not be so obsessed with the same four guys that they get violent with new girls. It's such a painfully childish viewpoint.

Then we have the bad guys. I'm sorry, but I don't understand the logic there either. There was talk about "survival of the fittest" so it was okay the Fallen killed the Fae. But if that's the case, is it not the same when the Fae kill weaker people? This makes no sense. The reasoning behind the Fallen's origin and rise wasn't well explained.

I honestly can't tell you a single thing I liked about this book other than some of the powers seemed cool. Carter's gift was interesting. Reina's could've been if didn't develop into a blade.