A review by megrkbrown
The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead


First, I would like to say that I loved the Vampire Academy series. I gobbled the entire thing up in less than two weeks while I was on vacation, even though I really should have been spending time with my family. What happened Richelle Mead? Your characters were interesting and your romance was HOT. These characters are dull--bordering obnoxious--and the two main characters lack any chemistry.

I liked the premise, but the subplots and character motivations felt like Styrofoam. Light, and lacking actual substance. The writing wasn't nearly as good as I know Mead is capable and the main character was uninspired. Cedric wasn't interesting; rather, he was a card board stand in for every YA boyfriend on the shelf.

My suggestion is to pass. Pick up Mead's Vampire Academy series, if you haven't already, but this feels like a waste of time.