A review by kellyvandamme
Good Samaritans by Will Carver


I thought I had set myself up for disappointment: my expectations were through the roof, what with all the glowing reviews and that enticing cover quote by Sarah Pinborough. And yet. And yet! And yet holy fuck!! This story is deliciously dark, it is sarcastic, it is imbued with this dark sense of humour, it is, uhm, rather, uhm, explicit. The characters are highly dysfunctional, but not in a frustrating way. They don’t make you want to roll your eyes and ponder how freaking irritating you find them, instead they draw you in, making you wonder how much more they can take before they lose the plot completely. They have this air of sadness and loneliness and they all have their own, mostly dysfunctional, way of dealing with that. And all that makes this story soooo bloody addictive. It twists and it turns and if you’re able to predict the outcome, I’ll buy you a bottle of, well, uhm, bleach? Seems appropriate. To be honest, I did predict some of it, but that didn’t spoil my fun in the least. If anything, I was even more anxious to find out whether or not I was right. I wanted to race through it, and I wanted to go slow and savour each and every glorious sentence, all at the same time. Because this novel is not only about the thrills and the shocks, it’s also beautifully written in a very unique writing style that I quite liked.
So what’s it about? I’m not even going to try to tell you: I can’t do this story any justice trying to explain all the craziness and weirdness and darkness and general awesomeness. Instead, I’ll just say this: READ IT. It’ll be the weirdest, craziest thing you’ll read this year. It may very well be the weirdest, craziest thing you’ll read this decade. So put it on your TBR list, put it on your Christmas list, put it on any list, put it on ALL the lists, and find out for yourself why every single person who's read it has been gushing over it.

Very highly recommended