A review by rwarner
Why We Can't Wait by Martin Luther King Jr.


Beautiful and masterful. Essential reading to understand Dr. King's nonviolence, that it awakens the humanity in others and leads to kindness, understanding, and unity. The social media age, I fear, has led us in the other direction, with more anger and name-calling and unkindness as we distance ourselves from humanity.

One phrase from this book keeps ringing in my head: "Half a loaf is no bread" (p. 18). Every time you hear someone telling LeBron James to "shut up and dribble," think, "half a loaf is no bread." We can't be content until all have equal treatment under the law, have equal access and opportunities, equal pay for equal work. All must be offered the the full loaf.

King's work is not done. We all must take it upon ourselves to understand King's ideas, appreciate his sacrifice, internalize his compassion, and make the world kinder.