A review by ekfmef
The Reluctant Mage by Karen Miller


Synopsis of this book:

Charis: "Deenie, you HAVE to save the world! It's your job!"
Deenie: "No, there are serious reasons I can't"
Charis: "Maybe you just enjoy it when people die"
Deenie: "Charis!"

A few moments later:
Deenie: "I've found a way, but you won't like it."
Charis: "No, you can't, it is dangerous."
Deenie: "Saving the world is inherently dangerous, so-"
Charis: "Deenie! You can't do this!"
Deenie: "Shut up!" *slaps Charis*

A few moments later:
Deenie: "Sorry, I acted like a jerk."
Charis: "oh Deenie..."

Worst of all, throughout the book this cycle repeats. Charis eggs Deenie on by emotionally manipulating her, Deenie gives in/ finds a way, Charis suddenly disapproves / is scared, Deenie pushes on, apologizes for her behavior (but Charis is the one who starts everything). Etc. This cycle is also present in the other POVs. Apparently no one just discusses things, they always need to fight and escalate their fights.