A review by papercranestitches
Ransom by Lee Rowan


This book had a good plot, strong character development, and a sense of place and time that made a reader feel like they were aboard the Morven with all its sights and sounds and undoubtedly questionable smells. But that ending...?

That was some ho-hum HFN bullshit and I am NOT a happy camper.

Honestly, it was like the author had spent so much time building up the realism of the hopelessness and danger of the characters' love for one another (one of the main reasons I always have to work up my courage to read historical romances in the first place) that they didn't know how to end it successfully - so they didn't.

I'm sad that I waited so long to read this book - 4.5 years! - because it was good, but now I'm irritated that I waited this long and then was cheated out of my happily ever after. Not cool, Rowan.

Will I read on in the series?

After this ending? I'm still undecided.