A review by djinnofthedamned
The Radical Doula Guide: A Political Primer by Miriam Zoila Pérez


After years of hearing about this and hearing people rave about it, i finally got my hands on a copy at Fed Up Fest. This crash course in radical doula activism/birthwork really gives people from all walks of life a lot of things to consider in terms of how to radicalize their birthwork practice. Not only does it cover several axises of oppression, it utilizes the personal narratives of self-identified radical birthworkers to discuss why they became doulas, what disparities they're hoping to address in their work, and how they envision themselves radicalizing birthwork. I would love to see a follow up anthology with tips & techniques crowdsourced from the front lines of radical birthwork. Either way, it gave me a lot to think about as someone who wants to go through doula training before having a baby just to know what to expect from the natural birth process.