A review by aldean
Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors by Jenny Nimmo


My wife and I have been jumping all over in this series, dependent on the whims of fate as to which one is on the shelf at the library when the fit takes us. So we listened to #3 a long time ago, then recently #2 and now we are devouring #4 and #5 in quick succession.

I am growing into a big fan of this series. Throughout I like the collaborative nature of the childrens' various endowments, and how they have to work together to make it through the "big showdown" in every episode. Perhaps only because this is the first one I have been able to listen to all in essentially one sitting, but I thought this book more dramatic than I remember the previous volumes being, and it carried me along. It may also be that there is significantly more history of the Red King revealed in the course of the book.