A review by amysbooknook8
The Quickie by James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge


For me, the title had nothing to do with the actual book as it wasn't really a "quickie". This is my first time reading a James Patterson title. This book started out with a woman's point of view into seeing her husband go into a hotel with another woman and lying to her that very evening about where he had been. The beginning was interesting but as the book progressed, it got a bit slow to me as we are seeing the unraveling of how one decision can change your entire life. I really wanted to shake the main character and ask, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?".

Despite the slow chapters, i read on as I thought, "this has to get better" and it did! The ending was great and surprised me. This isn't an amazing book, it wasn't memorable, but I enjoyed it as a light read.