A review by babyleo
Two for the Heart by Ekta R. Garg


Note: I recieved a copy of this book for review.

Garg's collection of stories is a wonderful read that explores relationships and the power love has in those relationships. The two stories, "The Proposal" and "Remembrance", follow very different narratives but each demonstrate that love can be a very powerful tool and motivator.

Both of these stories are quite short but you really are able to get a sense of character quite well. Garg expresses and explores her characters through their personalities and in part through their actions which adds a great layer of complexities to them. There is also less focus on unnecessary scenes or intense description or detail, meaning the human aspects are the main focus and the relationships they have with others is a driving force to the narrative.

It is also a nice idea connecting the stories and Garg does this with style and simplicity without losing any of the quality. The overlap suits both narratives while not interrupting the flow of each individual story and adds another layer in doing so. Having the cross over so simple is a great example of how people connect with one another in the real world. Both these stories show that the main character of one story can be a background character in another and even be unrelated to the main character at all.

You can easily see how each of these stories could be extended into a longer one, even a novel if you tried hard enough, but why it works so well keeping it this length is that is keeps the main parts of the story in focus while not losing out on the content or quality.

A longer version of this review was published on my blog https://lostinagoodbk.wordpress.com/2015/02/02/two-for-the-heart-by-ekta-r-garg/