A review by heabooknerd
Trade Deadline by Piper Vaughn, Avon Gale


I was surprised in the previous books to find out that Venom Captain, Daniel Bellamy, was getting divorced but this created the set up for TRADE DEADLINE which finds Daniel single and rekindling a friendship with Micah -- the same friend he shared a first kiss with at 13 years old. I've liked Daniel from the very first book in the series and that hasn't changed. He's a natural leader and mentor and he cares deeply about those in his life. Even though Daniel and Tabby are no longer married, they still love each other as friends and they co-parent their two young children. Tabby even moves with the kids down to Miami when Daniel signs his new contract. Daniel has also been very open all his life about being bisexual, so unlike the first books, there's no angst or drama about coming out in TRADE DEADLINE. Though I did notice that Daniel never really introduces Micah as his boyfriend on page; it's always just assumed, already known, or happens off page.

Micah is a new character and I came to love him just as much. He's fun, sweet, and even though he's never really watched hockey he dives in with both feet to be a part of Daniel's life. His work at the aquarium was really interesting and he has no issues making a connection with Daniel's kids and even starting a budding friendship with Tabby. Daniel and Micah have a very sweet (but still sexy) relationship and for the most part they easily transition from reunited friends to lovers. Most of the complications come from Daniel's new team struggling to win a game and Micah's worry that Daniel might leave for another team at the end of his contract.

Even though TRADE DEADLINE takes us away from the Venom, we still get some appearances from the previous books' couples and I especially enjoyed seeing Tristan and Sebastian again. Overall, this was a really fun and enjoyable read with a low-angst relationship and minimal drama. I'm looking forward to the spin-off book about Morley.

ARC provided by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review