A review by abartley73
Beautiful Redemption by Jamie McGuire


I'm just going to start off saying that I'm incredibly biased when it comes to Jamie McGuire. She's been my favorite author since I picked up Beautiful Disaster a year ago and fell in love with her writing. She is the only author who writes books that can keep me interested enough to read the entire book in under 24 hours. I would have finished this book in one sitting if I hadn't been working so much this weekend!

I also want to say that if you have any intentions of reading this book, and you haven't read Beautiful Oblivion yet, then close out of this review now. I think it's impossible to talk about this book without spoiling the last one. People who have read Beautiful Oblivion will understand :)

So I've been dying to read this book since I heard it was coming out. I had planned on preordering it and just never got around to it because life has been hectic. I finally had it in my hands 2 days ago, and I dropped everything else I was doing, besides work, to finish this, and it was so worth it.

I want to start out by saying that I wasn't really looking forward to reading about Thomas. I feel like Beautiful Oblivion paints him in a bad light. Everyone falls in love with the Maddox boys, but after reading the last book, I was nervous that I would still end up disliking him after reading this. I'm not sure why I doubted her writing at all, though, because as she always does, she made Thomas just as perfect as Trent and Travis.

I really feel like Beautiful Oblivion and Beautiful Disaster had the same type of storyline. Both Maddox boys were immature, violent, badasses that needed a girl to settle them down. I loved both of them from the beginning of those books, but I wouldn't have wanted to read another book just like that. She did a fantastic job of keeping with the Maddox theme, but doing a completely different type of storyline that did have its similarities, but kept its uniqueness. I mean, who doesn't want to read about two badass FBI agents that should be together but are too stubborn to do it?

I don't always connect with female characters because a lot of authors write them as weak protagonists. I don't want to spend hours reading about whiny, can't do anything theirselves, females. I don't relate to that, and I find it irritating. But she writes these strong female characters that I instantly understand and can relate to. While I can't say I like Liis as much as I liked Cami, I still really liked her. She's strong and independent and can hold her own. The main problem I had with her was her incessant whining about him still loving Cami. I get it. I really do. No one wants to be with a man that still loves another girl. But she didn't need to bring it up and argue with him about it every other chapter. I do feel like there could have been a little more depth to the story if it didn't focus on that as much. With that being said, it really didn't deter me at all from loving this book. It wasn't an annoyance or complaint, just an observation.

I also love the fact that this is a series, but not a typical one. I struggle with finishing entire series because I get bored reading about the same characters book after book. I think that's why this series works so well for me. She manages to weave all their stories together to where you get a glimpse of the past characters we know and love so much and where they are now, without it being the same old story over and over again. Trent, Travis, Cami, and Abby were all in this book so we could see where they are now, but then it went back to Liis and Thomas. It just works, and I adore it.

I absolutely love this series and can NOT wait for the next book to come out! Huge 5 stars!