A review by novelheartbeat
River by Erin Hunter



Plot wise, there really wasn't much happening in this book. It was a lot of the same as all of the rest - small problems and Clan conflicts. A lot of adjusting to new life in the Clans and recovering from the damage Ashfur did in Broken Code.

It was a little slow, but I was never really bored. I wish there had been more going on, as there were no stakes in this book, but I was still happy to jump back into the Warriors world. I was going through a bit of withdrawal after Broken Code ended! It is starting to feel a little bit redundant - regurgitated characters, same conflicts happening over and over again, etc. The newer characters are all starting to blend together a little bit, and sometimes I have trouble telling them apart.

I did really like Frostpaw, though, and am interested to see where her character arc goes! I felt sorry for Flamepaw and the pressure on his shoulders for being named after Firestar. However, I don't really know how I felt about Sunbeam. She was kind of a wet rag. She was a stickler for the rules to the point that it got annoying because she was basically just a narc. I feel like a lot of the problems she had could have been solved by simply talking to people instead of tattling on them. I didn't like Lightleap's reckless behavior, but if Sunbeam really was her best friend she should have talked to her about how she felt about it instead of going behind her back to other cats (after *promising* not to say anything).

I was a bit upset at a few deaths in the book, but overall I felt underwhelmed emotionally. I didn't cry like I should have. It's almost like they're pushing too hard for shock value.
SpoilerI'm upset Mistystar died, but I didn't cry. And I feel like they did Reedwhisker dirty by just killing him off like that. Although, I do wonder if there was foul play involved in his death and wonder what part that will play later (hopefully it has a part at all, otherwise his death was just silly. A seasoned warrior just falling to his death like that?? Nah.). Curlfeather's death, however, was just traumatizing. The "dying screams" bit while she was literally being torn apart by dogs will haunt me, lol. I still didn't cry, but that one sucked pretty bad.

I'm hoping there will be a bit of redemption in the second book and that this series doesn't end up like another Omen of the Stars (or Vision of Shadows, which I skipped entirely because of the reviews).

Just for a little round up, here's my overall series rating thus far:
Prophecies Begin - 4.5-5/5
New Prophecy - 4/5
Power of Three - 3.5-4/5
Omen of the Stars - 3/5
Vision of Shadows - skipped
Dawn of the Clans - skipped
Broken Code - 4/5