A review by sk24
Freakling by Lana Krumwiede


2.5/5 stars

This review and more: Sharing Inspired Kreations

The concept of this book is very interesting and intriguing. It was presented decently, but didn’t wow me whatsoever. I found the story actually rather dull considering the unique concept. Unfortunately, I was bored the majority of the time and found myself skimming in parts. It really failed to captivate me and I had to force myself to continue, which nobody wants to do. I powered through, though, because there’s really nothing wrong with the book.

The world building wasn’t up to par in my opinion. I’m left wondering how these people, who are human beings, developed psi in the first place. I’m very curious about the backstory and how this all came to be. None of this is explained, however. Life before psi isn’t even mentioned. Maybe in this world there was no life without psi and humans always had it? In that case, though, I think that needs to be mentioned somewhere so that I’m not left wondering about it.

The story was actually quite predictable for the most part, which is disappointing, especially since it has a unique concept.

Overall, I’m disappointed and I’m just glad to be done reading this book so that I can stop forcing myself to go back to it. I don’t see myself picking up the second book in the series.