A review by shanella
The White Glove War by Katie Crouch


** Note ** This review will spoil the first book in this series.

At the end of The Magnolia League, Alex finds that her mother is trapped in the In Between and she’s certain that her grandmother is evil so she makes a bargin with Sina to save her mother and destroy the league, declaring a White Glove War.

I was a bit disappointed with this story because, all the things that let me down me in the first book were magnified in this book. Thaddeus seems to care more about a girl he just met a few days ago, one who is mistreating the sister he claims to love. Alex is well, a bit of a brat. Then, the adults in this story all act like children. The only redeeming characters in this book are Hayes and Madison (even though Madison’s relationship with Dex is a bit out of left field).

However, where the character lacked, the story somewhat made up for them. Alex is working with Sina to help free her mother, meanwhile a force known as the Gray Man is seeking to destroy Alex and anyone who gets in his way. The story wasn’t as suspenseful as it should have been even with all these elements. It’s written in two first person point of views and sometimes switches to third person - which can take a reader out of the flow of the story, making it seem scattered. However, like it’s predecessor, The White Glove was a quick and easy read; one of those books you’d take on a road trip, or to the beach.