A review by books_and_keys
Silk Threads: Three Tales of Passionate Japan by Cecilia Tan, Laura Antoniou, Midori


The Way of Heaven by Laury Antoniou:
What It's About: A prince and his female general, who is also his dom, select and train his chosen bride. When the wife, Umiko, is unable to get pregnant, the women go on a quest up the mountain to find the solution.
Pros: No girl on girl hate or competition (in fact Umiko gets along quite well with the general and the general truly helps Umiko, and both mutually share the prince).
Cons: Sex scenes were a bit cringy (this story has the most explicit sex scenes, which surprisingly isn't saying much). The first half and second half of this story felt fairly disconnected.
Finishing Thoughts: Definitely my least favorite of the 3. Wish there had been more paranormal elements, wish there was more distinct historical elements. Overall, when I wasn't cringing at this one, I was just bored with it.
Ratings: 2/5

The Secret of Silk by Midori:
What It's About: A young doctor works in a small village and begins a sexual relationship with one of the residents. Shortly after, she believes she is hallucinating strange shadows, and a shady business man arrives in town with a deal.
Pros: Actually had potential to be decent fact vs myth, modernization vs tradition narrative (Sadly did not live up to it)
Cons: Male lead turns into a tengu every time he climaxes (just why), yet it takes over half the book for the female lead to realize this. The business man was obviously bad from the start, yet the female lead is willing to overlook any red flags because the sex is so mind numbingly good. In fact the "doctor" comes off as rather stupid due to her general lack of awareness, and she could also be rather offensive in her comments about the village.
Finishing Thoughts: Although I was more invested in this one than the previous one, it also meant that its flaws bothered me more, with very little good execution to counterbalance my negative feelings.
Ratings: 2/5

The Bonds of Love by Cecelia Tan:
What It's About: Starting in 1945, a young man has been outcast by his family, leaving him with nothing but a piece of rope. Just as the atomic bomb drops, he is transported to 2047, when a beautiful young princess is about ready to ascend the throne.
Pros: A fiercely independent princess along with a devoted and tender male lead. Best bondage scenes of the whole collection, which actually came off as sensual. Oddly I liked the sex club setting, maybe because of how well it fit into the story and wasn't gaudy. The resolution felt satisfying, both for the individual story and the entire collection.
Cons: Some contrived moments like time travel and everyone being in the exact right club at the exact same time. Minor thing, but some names utilized felt like there was very little thought put into it.
Warning: There is a rape scene in this one.
Finishing Thoughts: My favorite of the three. I think
Rating: 3/5

Entire Collection:
What It's About: Three stories set in Japan, taking place in the past, present, and future.
Pros: All stories are linked by use of the same magical silk, which gave the collection a certain level of cohesion (also makes the title apt).
Cons: Mostly female on male domination, which isn't my personal preference. Also for being a BDSM collection, the sex scenes felt rather tame.
Finishing Thoughts: Hoping it would be a high fantasy collection with smutty scenes, but it's basically a paranormal romance collection, which is a genre I don't read. That being said, it wasn't bad, in fact the last story was rather enjoyable, but this just isn't for me.
Overall Rating: 2/5 stars