A review by mishale1
Keep Your Mouth Shut and Wear Beige by Kathleen Gilles Seidel


I love how detailed this author writes her characters. You feel like you know them, you feel like you see characteristics of people you know in them, therefore you really care about what happens to them.

Darcy has been single about three years. Her youngest son is a senior in highschool, her oldest son about to graduate college and head to graduate school...in the midst of all these big life changes, her oldest son proposes to his girlfriend. This leads to Darcy meeting and interacting with her exhusband's new girlfriend.

The new girlfriend jumps into the wedding planning and takes over in major ways. You'll probably be very happy if you don't know someone like her in real life.
When she's rude to Darcy, and she can be very rude to Darcy, you will rightfully be very irritated with her.

The scene is definitely set for a very interesting year of wedding planning and a very interesting wedding.