A review by boyanna
Biggest Flirts, by Jennifer Echols


Whenever I'm reading one of Jennifer Echols books I end up thinking they are wage and superficial but somehow they manage to live a grand impression on me that lingers long after.

Amazingly I realized that that’s her appeal.

She avoids the deep staff on purpose, tiptoes around them and sidesteps over them... It lives you with just the impression of the majority of the deepness, making you wonder and imagine the vastness.

This one was no different.
And, yes, it’s another issue-teen book, but it’s one worth reading. Why? Because!

We have the MC – Tia - messy, tall and confident. She is all over the place, underachiever extraordinaire, determinately unobligated, and committed on not having a boyfriend. She is gorgeous and aware of it and refreshingly self-confident. I loved HER!
Then we have Will - her “friend” - serious, blond and hot! Hockey player, unexpectedly funny and nice.
Somewhere in between the two we have their issues and their baggage.

And then we have the vast variety of secondary characters. Every single one different, every single one likable.
*Even Sawyer (who BTW I can’t wait to read about in the third book!).

The story and the resolutions were lovely, believable and vaguely hopeful, living just enough to make me excited for the next book in the series. And even though I loved her previous book “[b:Such a Rush|12989112|Such a Rush|Jennifer Echols|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1345851913s/12989112.jpg|15502516]” slightly (just slightly) more, i still consider this a great book.

I encourage all YA contemporary-romance lovers to read this. If you get nothing else from it, like I have, at least it would be a fun summer read.

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