A review by camsand
Economic Facts and Fallacies by Thomas Sowell


I’m just finishing this book now so I won’t spoil the ending for you, just kidding. It really is a great book applying basic economic theories to real life situations.
He spends quite a bit of time debunking economic myths and explaining the real reasons why for example, real estate near San Francisco and college tuition are so ridiculously expensive. Basically, it comes down to too much government economic control.
I really do love Sowell’s logical practical approach. It’s great in contrast to raving, emotional talk show hosts. It reminds me of why I am a conservative-because conservative principles work!
Given the fact that Sowell is a conservative and so am I, I would really like to read a liberal equivalent to this book. If anyone has one to suggest I would appreciate it. His arguments seem so straight-forward and indisputable to me, but that’s because I already agree with them. I would like a book to argue the other side as articulately and with as much scholarly effort.