A review by ninag98
The Blair Witch Project by D.A. Stern


A fun read if you're a huge fan of The Blair With movie like I am, however, about 50 pages in the book becomes repetitive seeing as most of the "interviews" featured don't add anything to the lore. All of the pictures are of terrible quality and break the illusion that this is supposed to be a non-fiction piece. The one thing that annoyed me was Angela's letters not being transcribed and only "handwritten," because the font was too loopy for me to decipher it. By far the best section is Heather's diary entries, if you liked the movie you have to check those out, you don't even have to read the whole book seeing as the only background info you need to understand the diary is the film.

Overall a fun read but nothing spectacular, I won't ever read it again. Definitely not worth buying, borrow it from a library or a friend