A review by kulwanotes
Two Weeks in November: The Astonishing Inside Story of the Coup That Toppled Mugabe by Douglas Rogers


I enjoyed this book, an easy read and nice flow of events.

Major take aways in this book

1) the 'revolution' was not people's centred. Was just a tussle between Lacoste Factiom, led by Emmerson Mnangagwa & Zimbabwe Liberation war veterans Association (ZLWVA) against G-40 (Generation 40, a group of people who are under 40) faction led by Grace Mugabe. The Lacoste faction with support of some Military didn't want to see Grace Mugabe as a 'heir' of her husband’s Presidency. Grace isn't a war veterans, to them it's a disqualification for presidency. This made also, MDC party (opposition party) to support the 'coup' mainly to remove Mugabe.

2) In the light of above point, no 'major changes' are to be expected in Zimbabwe as revolution was just power struggle within ZANU-PF party.

✍️We opened prized bottles of red wine and guzzled them like water that night, marvelling at the events of the last ten days.
I have to say it’s strange to be supporting Mnangagwa,” said my 82-year-old father. “It’s like watching a snake eat another snake.” A common enemy is a galvanising thing, though.

My mother was more circumspect, as was always her way. “It is exciting, but even if Bob goes it’ll be the same bus – just a different driver. Mark my words.” Those were her final words on Zimbabwean politics."--page 100

The ongoing incidents where the government is crushing the dissidents, proves this.

I wish to get the millitary side of the story.