A review by americangirlemmie
Daughter of the Burning City by Amanda Foody


So, either I have too high of expectations of YA lit, or books are just getting worse in the past few years. I always want to like the book, but I think I get my expectations too high (like for this one).

This book was… weird. The MC has a god complex, I could not for the life of me figure out the setting, and the writing was both modernized and old-school fantasy. It was just… weird. Not necessarily bad, but weird.

To start, I had some general disagreements with the fact that the MC could literally CREATE LIFE with her brain, and no one questioned that. Like, everyone was all “oh how cute, Sorina made another person for her family, and will randomly lock them up in her brain.” No one ever questioned this ability, or questioned how legitimate these “people” she made were. Yet, it wasn’t a common gift in her world… So why weren’t people FREAKING OUT. Were these “illusions” real or not? Did they have to disclose to their partners that they weren’t really people? Although I thought the whole concept was super, super weird, I could’ve dealt with it if it had been explained well… It wasn’t. So, I was hung up on this the entire book, and could not focus on the plot whatsoever. Because, well, I couldn’t care about any of the characters because I had no idea what their role in society was! And just. I had so many questions.

So, was every town in this place a traveling circus? I was also very confused by the setting and the world building. I could not understand the context of anything that was in this society, which really turned me off from the story from the start. Where WERE THEY?! I had no idea, and the story wasn’t helping me figure it out. The language went between modern, and then medieval. It was really bizarre.

The plot was also a bit predictable. Honestly, the book just seemed like it was written for a younger audience, as it was simple. I really did like the writing overall, the style was very spunky. However, there were major plot holes and inconsistencies that really made the story difficult for me to enjoy. Thus, it was a miss for me.